Waves of Grief with Roz Jones

God’s love is always there for you, especially in grieving times.

Some days, I think I’m doing fine. I’m coping with my chronic illness. I’ve accepted it and I’m even able to live with a measure of happiness.

Original post: https://thecaregivercafe.net/2021/03/21/waves-of-grief/#like-660

Your reality may not be chronic illness; it could be heartbreak from a break up or divorce, losing a loved one, your business being shut down, etc. Just like me, you’ve accepted it and are living your new normal.

Then come the bad days. The ones I’m reminded of everything that’s been taken. Of all the milestones I’ve been robbed of. All the things that my illness has stolen, and I find myself wanting to sob.

I feel the loss all over again.

Can you relate?

Grief is a funny thing. It comes in waves, but in between those waves, the waters can be perfectly still. In fact, they can be so still that you convince yourself you’re OK.

Then the next one rises, and you’re gasping for breath. In moments like these, I cling to verses like Psalm 34:18.

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (NIV)

Can I pray for you today friend?

God, I pray for (subscriber’s name). Surround them with Your comforting Presence. Remind them again that You are for them and You are close beside them. Let them feel You wrapping Your arms around them and pulling them in for a hug. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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