The Go-Getter Handbook by Latoya Jean

When you make that decision to be a Go-Getter in life it may come with a few stares and some resistance. The Go-Getter title is a sought after title by many but few actually rise up to the challenge. Oh, and it is definitely a challenge but it is one with many rewards attached to it.

When you see someone walking in their full-on Go-Getter mode it stands like the way that Gabby Douglas stood out or Michael Jordan. Their deliberate actions and tenacity exude from this person. From the outside in it would like they have it all together but from the inside out there are a few things that are common amongst Go-Getters.


Common things amongst Go-Getters:



Most Go-Getters have a coach. I know you would like to believe that they are naturally energized and ready to dodge the bullets of the world. Well, they are still human and many are trying to find a balance between life, love, finance, faith and yes…even food. Accountability gives you an edge (and a foot in the behind) that tips the scale in your favor.




Go-Getters are consistent! They stand on the fact that it takes 21 days to create or break a habit. Going the distance matters to them which also means that they will not always get frustrated by the day to day things. They see a bigger picture and are not afraid to create an abstract view.


Accountability and consistency are just part of a Go-Getters solid foundation. What do you use or have you added to get going when it comes to your goals and dreams? We would love for you to share them with us.


This month we are highlighting Latoya Jean’s book “Go Getter Handbook” and you can find out more about it below.


The Go Getter Handbook by Latoya Jean


Book Synopsis:

Being a woman is hard enough. So when a woman has a dream that she wants to achieve, it takes a certain level of ambition, determination, and motivation. It’s not enough to just dream. You have to not only want the dream, but you have to set goals that will bring the dream to life. The Go-Getter Handbook was created for purpose-driven women who desire to have more but are not sure where to start. This easy-to-read guide will encourage women to define their dream, set realistic goals, and push themselves to keep striving for greatness, even on the days when the dream doesn’t seem reachable. Readers will feel inspired, determined, and motivated to go and get their dream, by any means necessary.

Lotoya Jean is the founder of Gogettermotivation Consulting Group.


Review: (Amazon reviews)

It’s OK to change your life The introduction was interested so I went on a little further into the Aspirers (Hope & Ambitions) where it says….”When we process our thoughts we have to act on them, we have to move from thinking to doing to fully understand and be able to achieve that which we seek”.

GogetterMotivation Lotoya Jean Your book is awesome and I am very proud of you. I feel inspired. #thegogetterhandbook.



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